
You may contact us by phone, email, fax, or just by visiting the school’s principal.  At that time the principal will give a tour of the facility and give an overview of what it’s like to be a student.  The child may come with the parent during this visit.

Students seeking to enroll must satisfy the following:

Complete New Student Enrollment Application and submit that completed form with the appropriate non-refundable testing fee, birth certificate, South Carolina Certificate of Immunization and a current transcript for evaluation by this school. The signed application means that Grace Junior Academy may contact prior schools for your records and recommendation forms.

Age Requirements for entering Kindergarten and Grade 1:

The student must turn the appropriate age by December 31 on or before of the year of enrollment to enter the grade.

There are seven steps to the application process. Each area must be satisfied before your child can be officially accepted into the program.

Interview: The principal or designee will schedule with parents and student an interview. At this time parents must bring the completed and signed application, student immunization records, report card, and any academic achievement tests. Also, at this time fees can be paid. This is applicable for all grades.

Acceptance: Upon acceptance into GJA by the principal and/or administration, it will be necessary at this time to pay an enrollment fee to secure a place for your child and/or children. This fee is non -refundable and is not pro-rated.

Cooperation: Both parent and student must sign and date the Honor Code and the Statement of Faith (applicable for grades 6 through 12) and parents signatures of the School Vision Statement are applicable for all grades.

Entrance Testing:   ONLY new students are required to take the academic screening test before admission is approved. The testing fee is non-refundable even if the student is not accepted.  The testing is administered by appointment only by the admission’s office.

Contract: The financial contract must be signed and dated by the parents and turned in to the academy. Parents may complete this form at the time of the interview.

Forms: The student enrollment is not completed until all the following forms are completed and signed as well as submitted to the office: Admission Application; Testing (ONLY for new students); Honor Code (grades 6 through 12); Code of Conduct in the Classroom (All Students); School Vision; two (2) Recommendations Letters; Agreement with Statement of Faith (Parent and/or guardian ONLY); Discipline Policies; and Tuition Plan.

Acceptance:  After the student’s enrollment application forms are reviewed and entrance test results evaluated, the parents and/or Guardians will be notified of your child’s or children’s status of acceptance.

If you are interested in the academy, we will be glad to mail you a “Prospective Student Packet.” Please call or email.

Our Policy

Grace Junior Academy was established by Greater Grace Tabernacle International to meet the educational and spiritual needs of our church family with school age children.  Enrollment at the Academy is given first to our church membership and any remaining slots are open to the community. Grace Junior Academy does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, or physical disability.  However, Grace Junior Academy does reserve the right to use appropriate selection criteria in fulfillment of the stated mission and philosophy.